How Long After Taking Excedrin Can You Drink

From my personal experience, this is how to cease taking Excedrin.

Medical Disclosure: Delight consult with your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before taking any communication discussed within this website and earlier starting or stopping any diet, do, supplementation or medication program.

Earlier I say anything else, just know that I'thou not a doctor. Nonetheless, I've been to many doctors (including a neurologist), which is how I've finally managed to get to a point where I'm no longer dependent on Excedrin. This is my personal experience and I'g hoping information technology can help other people. I know how miserable it is to have a constant headache or migraine, and to feel like you're always going to be addicted to Excedrin.

Woman With Headache

UPDATE Equally OF Baronial 21, 2021

At some bespeak, I'll update this unabridged weblog. For now, I'll give you an update because I know this post gets a lot of traffic, then I don't desire you to read a agglomeration of old advice (see below). I'll attempt to keep it brusk.

In October 2022 (later on this mail was written), I ended up with bilateral vertebral artery dissection. I still have no idea how that happened, merely it was the near painful thing I've always experienced in my life. The pain was more often than not in my neck and the base of my skull, but information technology hurt and so bad, that it would cause migraines constantly.

My doctor prescribed everything for the hurting and cipher worked. I decided to attempt Amitriptyline merely to see if it would assistance, and it did. I don't know if it was casual or non, just I ended up taking it for over a yr.

I absolutely do non recommend Amitriptyline for any reason always.I was ever tired, fifty-fifty though I was but taking vii.5mg each night. I told my doc I wanted to quit, and she said that since it was such a low dose, I wouldn't need to taper off. I believed her and didn't taper, and it was terrible. I was nauseous for at to the lowest degree a total calendar month and had migraines constantly. Y'all should definitely taper off of Amitriptyline.

Because the headaches came back, I started taking Excedrin again. It didn't work, and the only thing that would kind of work was Maxalt. They only give you 9 of those per month, though, so it was a disaster. I was constantly taking Excedrin to try and get rid of the constant migraines, and it wasn't working at all, just probably merely adding rebound and overmedication headaches into the mix.

Eventually, I went back to my neurologist and she recommended Ajovy (similar to Aimovig). Information technology's a monthly injection that you give yourself in either the arm, leg, or breadbasket. I was hesitant because I hate side effects, and if I did go side furnishings, I couldn't simply cease taking it like you can with oral medications.

It's been great, though, and I highly recommend Ajovy. I've been taking it for 4-5 months and don't even retrieve the terminal time I had to take Maxalt or Nurtec. I practice occasionally accept Excedrin, but because I'm and so afraid of becoming addicted to it again, I probably only have information technology around once a calendar week at most.

Also, fun fact that I recently learned: Maxalt, Imitrex, Zomig, and probably all triptans can cause rebound headaches, as well. My neurologist says Nurtec does not cause rebound headaches, but you lot can only accept one every 24 hours.

To sum it upwards, my recommendation to anyone who feels similar their headache/migraine experience is at all similar to mine is: Enquire your doctor about Ajovy because so far, information technology is working fashion better for me than anything else ever has.

Backstory – Experience Costless To Scroll Past This

When I was 10 years erstwhile, I went to the locker rooms to alter after gym form. For some reason, I was the only ane downwardly at that place, which seems weird to me now, simply that'due south not really important. Anyhow, the last thing I remember was tying my shoes. I woke up probably 10 anxiety from where I was, face down on the floor. My mentum was busted open, I chip my tongue, and I had a huge bruise on my hip.

I concluded up having to get 7 stitches (plus 2 on the within) and a CAT scan. They said everything in my encephalon looked normal, and that maybe I had a heat stroke. I don't remember beingness abnormally hot, so I have a hard fourth dimension believing it was that. Still don't know what happened, though.

I don't retrieve exactly when I started getting constant headaches, but I know by the time I was 14, I had a migraine during a soccer game. It was so bad, that I was seeing spots all over the identify, and I couldn't differentiate the things I was seeing from the actual ball. Information technology's condom to say that I had migraines from at least and then.

At some point, I went to the doctor again, and they told me to take something for my headaches as before long as I felt them coming on, that fashion it wouldn't get whatsoever worse. Then, that's what I did. That's what I continued to do for years. Fifty-fifty when I felt the slightest headache, I took Excedrin. Most of the fourth dimension, it got rid of information technology right away. Eventually, it got to where I had to have it multiple times a mean solar day.

Right now, I'm almost 23 weeks pregnant and I really didn't want to go along taking medication every single mean solar day. A few weeks ago, I finally got in to run across a neurologist. That was something that I probably should've done most 20 years ago, but here we are. At to the lowest degree I've got information technology under control now.

Excedrin Rebound Headaches

This is a real thing. Excedrin Migraine contains acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine. If you've been wondering, "tin caffeine crusade headaches?" or "can caffeine cause migraines," the answer is… in a mode, yeah. Caffeine is a trigger and people go addicted to caffeine. With me, I think what happened, was that my body was and so used to always having caffeine in information technology, that when I went likewise long without it, I got a rebound headache.

Pretty much every morning time, I'd wake up with a headache. It makes sense for those to accept been rebound headaches, because I'd merely went vii-8 hours without Excedrin.

Tin You Take Excedrin Migraine While Meaning?

No. I did for probably the first ten-12 weeks of this pregnancy, and while I don't think it did any impairment, apparently information technology can cause miscarriages, then I would advise against it. Since Excedrin Migraine contains aspirin and aspirin is a blood thinner, yous shouldn't take it. I'grand because myself lucky for taking it that long and not suffering any consequences.

You can ask your medico virtually this, but that's what I did. I see like 10 different OB'due south, and they very rarely give me the same answer to a question (abrasive). This is why I ended upwards taking Excedrin way longer than I should have while significant.

1 doctor thought that because it was acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine, it was fine, because they normally put significant women with high claret pressure level on aspirin, anyway. However, subsequently taking it those 10-12 weeks, I went back and saw another doctor.

They do prescribe aspirin for that reason, but it'southward at a much lower dosage than the corporeality that's in Excedrin Migraine. There is style too much aspirin in Excedrin Migraine for pregnant women. The first doctor failed to mention that.

Headaches in pregnancy are common, and if yous have migraines already, information technology can either make them better or worse. For me, information technology got worse. I was always taking Excedrin, and it wasn't even working. In the first xviii weeks of my pregnancy, I stayed habitation from work three times because of migraines. They were so bad that they were causing me to throw up.

I'1000 certain function of information technology was considering I'm pregnant and my hormones were a mess, but at that place'due south still function of me that thinks my Excedrin withdrawal was worse than ever at this point.

Excedrin Migraine vs Excedrin Tension Headache

As far every bit I know, unless my doctors were wrong again, Excedrin Tension Headache is okay to take while meaning. The only deviation betwixt Excedrin Migraine and Excedrin Tension Headache, is that Excedrin Tension Headache does not contain aspirin.

So yes, information technology's probably "okay" to take it, only I'd try not to, if you tin help it. It'south merely going to brand you feel the wonderful Excedrin side effects known every bit caffeine withdrawal and rebound headaches. Besides, loading upwards on acetaminophen and caffeine while pregnant yet probably isn't the all-time thing, either.

How To Treat Rebound Headaches

Like I said, I finally went to a neurologist. I'd been to "regular" doctors before, and they would prescribe me all different kinds of medication – Topamax, Imitrex, Maxalt, Zomig, Amitriptyline, Fioricet, Propranolol, and another things that I can't fifty-fifty remember the name of. They never one time said I was having rebound headaches, but the neurologist finally did!

She said I needed to quit taking Excedrin and annihilation with acetaminophen (Tylenol). She suggested weaning myself off of it, and while yous could admittedly create some type of schedule for yourself where you slowly decreased the amount you lot took per mean solar day, I just stopped completely. On Th, I went to the neurologist and didn't take it again later that.

I expected detoxing from Excedrin to be atrocious, just I expected the worst of it to exist between Fri – Sunday. I don't piece of work weekends, so equally long every bit I could endure through Friday, I was fully prepared to but lay in bed all weekend. She fifty-fifty prescribed me something to "knock me out" and fall asleep faster, so that I wouldn't have to be awake and in pain. I forget the name of it, but Unisom would piece of work for this, too.

Because I was terrified of existence completely knocked out, I really only took 1/4th of whatever pill she prescribed for me. I hate being super drowsy, and my headaches never got that bad, so I didn't have it again. I did take something else, though.

Supplements For Migraines

She suggested that I take 400mg of magnesium and 300mg b2 (riboflavin) daily. This could very well be what made everything less miserable than I expected it to exist. I have these chewable magnesium tablets from CVS, which actually are kind of delicious. I ordered a canteen of b2 online considering they didn't sell information technology at CVS, for some reason. The tablets are 100mg each, then I take 3 of them.

Caffeine Withdrawal Treatment

I don't really know which ingredient in Excedrin is causing rebound headaches, simply if I had to gauge, I'd estimate that the biggest trouble with it is the caffeine. During the first few days of my Excedrin withdrawal, I did showtime to experience headaches coming on.

Under any other circumstance, I would've normally reached for Tylenol, but during this fourth dimension, I grabbed a tin can of Pepsi. Non Coke. Don't inquire me why information technology made a difference, only information technology did. Pepsi would make the headache go away, only Coke would not.

Plain, I didn't want to commencement drinking Pepsi every day, so this is where I actually had to exercise my "weaning." Maybe my caffeine addiction wasn't that terrible, because in the offset, I could unremarkably get away with only ane can a twenty-four hour period. Sometimes, information technology was two cans, just never more than that.

Whenever I drank two, I felt like I "had a problem," and tried very hard to drink less the next solar day. Finally, it got to where I just kept a canteen in the refrigerator, and if I felt like I needed it, I'd just chug a few gulps and be done with it.

Now, I don't need it anymore.

Rebound Headache Recovery Time

I tin't give yous a real answer for this. It'south going to be different for everyone, only I feel similar if you can go "cold turkey," it will probably be a lot quicker than if you don't. In full, if you count the days I weaned myself off caffeine, my recovery time was two weeks.


This has been a very long post, so if yous're looking for a summary, hither is what I recommend:

  • Visit a neurologist to brand sure you practice, in fact, have rebound headaches.
  • Take 400 mg of magnesium and 300 mg of b2
  • Have a multivitamin, just 1 that doesn't comprise magnesium, because you lot're going to get enough from the magnesium supplement.
  • Drinkable enough water, eat enough, and frequently. Don't add hunger headaches to your problem.
  • Stop taking Excedrin Migraine and/or Excedrin Tension Headache immediately.
  • Stop taking Tylenol immediately.
  • Really, if yous can help it, don't take any kind of pain reliever.
  • Keep Pepsi on paw and drink that when you start to feel like you demand to take a hurting reliever.
  • Eventually, wean yourself off caffeine.
  • If for some reason nothing is working, wait until you get home and have Unisom (or some kind of sleep aid). Go to bed and sleep through it.
  • Requite it at least two weeks.

There! I hope that helps someone. If you have any questions, I'll attempt to respond them, only again, I'm no doctor or medical expert of any kind. If in that location'south been anything in particular that has helped you with headaches, rebound headaches, or migraines, leave it in the comments below!


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